Monday, July 9, 2012

The Works Art and Design Festival

Holy Heat Edmonton. We haven’t been this hot since…. Well, last summer. Hallelujah! July 2nd and we finally got some sun… just in time for a road trip across Canada! At least our new schmick van “Anthony the Brave” has air conditioning. Now we can wear tuques in the summer again. We’re happy.
The Living Daylights Rockin Out.

A festive post Canada Man and his well dressed best friend.

Some of the Tracks on Tracks family.
We opened the stage at The Works Art and Design Festival, and we got some people out after their Canada Day Hangovers. We even met a musical family composed of 3 children and 3 tambourines. They were adorable. The sound there was awesome, and we gave it all we got. We even got to see some of our train family, which always makes any 4:30 am mission from Fernie to Edmonton worth it. John, Michy, Brian and Christina were all there, and we got to hear about their train adventure back to Vancouver. It’s hard to believe 3 weeks has gone by since we left NXNE and the Tracks on Tracks crew.
A few hours outside of Edmonton we realized that we forgot Tim’s spare banjo on stage. Whoops. Did I mention we were up at 4:30 am that day.? Luckily my Uncle Scott was able to come to the rescue and save Tim’s spare banjo Minute Mang from a life of pawn shops. Thanks uncle Scott. Driving through Manitoba we are all eagerly awaiting a home cooked meal, a shower and some beds to sleep in when we get to my Ma and Pa’s in Minaki Ontario.

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